Command Center

The Command Center is a collection of buttons providing you with access to the modules and utilities that you have been authorized to access: it only includes buttons for modules that you have been given permission to access.

The Command Center displays when you log in to the desktop version of the Vitalware application. Typically it is a vertical column of buttons, but you can display it horizontally across the screen if desired.

With the Command Center you can:

  • Open one or more modules. You open a module by clicking its button in the Command Center.
  • Get help by clicking Help.
  • Exit Vitalware by clicking Close button in the top right corner of the Command Center or clicking Command Centre Exit button.
  • Customize the user interface by right-clicking the Command Center and selecting Options from the shortcut menu that displays.
  • Note: Depending on the amount of screen space available, it's possible that the Command Center will be too tall for your screen. In this case, buttons with arrows will display at the top and bottom of the Command Center.
    Click the top or bottom arrow to reveal any module buttons currently off-screen.